Finally, a Longer Run!

I’ve been eyeing a new half marathon, given by NYC Runs, in December. That gives me quite some time to prepare. Plus its in December-I am totally a winter runner. And, it is around Central Park-easy to get to & if I need anything its where I work and I could just drop by my locker to grab a forgotten item. I would also have coworkers that would probably be more than willing to come out and cheer for me as I run by the zoo. Also, the entry fee is currently only $40 and you get a long sleeve technical shirt. This all seems to be working out. The only problem is that half marathon distance! The longest I’ve run is 7.5 miles maybe 8 or 10 times. It takes me 90 mins to do that. Zeke and I need to step up our training ASAP!

Ok, I’m not THAT worried. I’m a slow runner and it would be my first race longer than the single 10k I’ve done. Now, 5ks I’m a pro at. My only goals would be to 1. finish the race & 2. finish it before the time cut off. haha. I’m not very lofty with my goals. If I could do it somewhere around 2 1/2 hours I would be very happy.

This morning Zeke and I set out to run some roads and some trails. I wanted to do about 6 miles and about 90 mins of running. We finished spot on with those goals! 6.6 miles- 3 miles to the dog park, 20 minute stop there, and 3.6 home. It went fairly well. Zeke had 2 nervous spots- including when we got to within 2 blocks of his vet (which we visited just last week for his rabies vaccination.) So, understandably, he tried to bolt back for home. We stopped now and then so he could wet his paws in a pond, meet a few other dogs, drink some water, and get out of the way of some horses on the trails. It was beautiful weather finally! I am thankful to have Zeke as my running partner these next few months as I prepare (possibly) for a half-marathon. I just wish he could do it with me!

Canicross video:

Dog park play video:

~ by manicivy on August 11, 2013.

5 Responses to “Finally, a Longer Run!”

  1. Do it! You can’t beat a half for $40, that is just screaming enter! You have plenty of time and Zeke will LOVE the training!

  2. […] Finally, a Longer Run! ( […]

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